Update: REAUTHORIZE THE LWCF! Contact your legislators now! DONE. For now anyway. Thank you!

Note: Since the original post from last year, the program that asked corporations to pay their fair share for use/profit off OUR public lands is dead. Read more at the link: https://www.lwcfcoalition.com/press-releases/. NO IT’S NOT DEAD. YES IT IS. NO IT’S NOT. Please make up your mind, the planet is waiting. NO IT’S NOT!

As of 2020, the LWCF has been given PERMANENT funding by Congress except, uh…nothing is permanent from Congress but for now, YEAH. Stay vigilant, however. Thank you!


Photo of John Muir Wilderness Area

This is still yours, for now.

From the League of Conservation Voters:

We only have a few short weeks left to save our best parks program! Sign today to tell Congress to save the Land and Water Conservation Fund »

Join the fight to save our best and most accessible parks program!

We need to speak out against outrageous funding cuts to our parks and help pass a permanent extension of LWCF through Congress.

TAKE ACTION: (copy and paste/open link) https://ourlandsourvoice.lcv.org/?sc=lcv&utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=180901%20LWCF%20Joint%20Action%20Message%201%20(1)&utm_content=

Republican leadership is putting our local parks on the chopping block.

Everyday, I’m struck by just how important the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is for our communities. From local baseball fields to iconic parks like the Grand Canyon, LWCF has given children safe spaces to play, families open areas to relax, and communities green spaces to thrive.

But anti-environment Republican leadership is moving to gut funding for this critical program and let LWCF expire at the end of this month.

These green spaces are worth fighting for. That’s why we’re joining our partners in Our Lands, Our Voice, a nationwide campaign to stop Congress from letting our nation’s best parks program expire. We’re rallying the nation to protect this program and we can’t do it without your help.

We need you to speak out for our public lands. Sign our petition and tell Congress to permanently reauthorize LWCF with full and dedicated funding »

LWCF has set aside and protected community spaces in nearly every county in the U.S., making it one of the most successful and accessible parks program in America. This program was created more than 50 years ago to safeguard our irreplaceable cultural heritage, protect natural resources, and provide recreational opportunities for all people.

What’s more — reauthorizing LWCF will continue to give access to communities that otherwise do not have contact with the outdoors as it protects existing parks and helps create new green places.

The program is simple: it invests a small portion of revenue from offshore oil and gas drilling to protect and conserve our lands and waters — without spending any taxpayer money. But despite bipartisan support from hundreds members of Congress to reauthorize this program, it’s about to expire.

We need to protect this critical parks program for our neighbors, communities, and future. Every child deserves a chance to enjoy the outdoors and have access to clean, healthy water and air. That’s why we’re working with our partners to build a movement to save LWCF. We CAN save America’s best parks program, but only if we all speak out together. Will you raise your voice today?

We can’t wait on this. Congress needs to hear from you to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund »

We can’t let this opportunity to protect our best parks program pass us by — please act now to protect LWCF today, Virginia.

Thank you for fighting for our parks.

Elizabeth Jacob
Associate Digital Campaigns Manager
League of Conservation Voters

740 15th St. NW, 7th Floor
Washington, DC 20005


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